Multiplataforma Crow Country (SFB Games)


Crow Country é um Survival Horror com visuais estilo PS1 para PC e PS5. Está disponível uma demo. Ainda não tem data de lançamento.

Sobre o jogo

Uma aventura de Survival Horror com: Uma atmosfera rica. Um forte e tangível sentido de lugar. Um pequeno mas memorável elenco de personagens. Exploração significativa. Puzzles envolventes. E acima de tudo - uma bela e estranha mistura de tensão e tranquilidade.

O ano é 1990. Edward Crow desapareceu. Proprietário do "Crow Country" (um pequeno parque temático nos arredores rurais de Atlanta, Geórgia), não é visto desde que fechou inesperadamente o seu parque há dois anos. O silêncio é quebrado quando uma jovem misteriosa chamada Mara Forest se aventura no coração do parque temático abandonado para encontrar Edward Crow.

- Porque é que Crow fechou realmente o seu parque?
- Serão verdadeiros os rumores perturbadores sobre Crow Country?
- Quem é, exatamente, Mara Forest?

A história de Crow Country explora temas como a ganância humana imprudente e o conceito de um pecado imperdoável.

Inclui um "Modo de Exploração", para aqueles que desejam desfrutar do jogo sem serem atacados por inimigos.

Crow Country will release May 9th 2024 on Steam and PS5!

The year is 1990 - and your arrival in Crow Country has broken a two year silence in the abandoned theme park. You’re searching for answers, but if you wish to uncover them, you’ll need to venture deep into the darkness of Crow Country to find them. You’ve heard some pretty disturbing rumors, but they couldn’t possibly be true...right?

Test yourself against puzzles and riddles to discover new paths through the park; hunt for clues behind the abrupt disappearance of Crow Country’s reclusive owner, Edward Crow, and uncover the horrifying truth at the heart of the theme park. Don’t be deceived by the whimsical surroundings, something is awfully wrong in Crow Country.

So, what about the original PlayStation era of survival horror inspired Adam to make a game in that vein?

“I think it’s mostly about how sophisticated the graphics were,” he says. “It was complex enough to show human characters but not yet photorealistic. Once you go too far past that generation, you’re too close to photorealism for your imagination to need to do any work. Some things aren’t quite clear, you can use more stylization. And it’s more engaging for that reason. For horror, it’s all about leaving that gap of ‘I’m not quite sure what I’m looking at.’ And it’s scarier than if I was looking at a high-resolution image.”
SFB Games had to weigh whether modern gaming conveniences should be eschewed to get that retro feel down just right.

“I would say the big one we have avoided is auto-saving checkpoints,” says Adam. “Almost everything you play now will auto-save and give you checkpoints. One of my favorite traditions in horror games is the save room. You can rest, reflect, and calm down for a moment while you save your game. The save room loses its power if you’re not threatened with losing progress. So you have to respect that old school system.”

“We’ve got both traditional and modern controls simultaneously, so you can use the D-pad for tank and the analog stick for modern. When I play, I will occasionally find myself touching the D-pad to rotate Mara a little bit or to make her move back a little bit — two things that you can’t necessarily do with modern controls. So, if you’re choosing to play tank, only you are making it slightly hard on yourself, and that’s fine. Maybe that’s the challenge you want.”

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